New Project — Target Scouting

Luke Griffin
3 min readApr 12, 2020


So hopefully you’ve seen that along with Jereon (@J__TP5), I’ve started a new project. Target Scouting is the site I’ll now be working on to try and cover as many players and prospects as possible.

You should check it out and follow us on Twitter. This piece is just going to explain the project with a few disclaimers and working as a FAQs page so I can just refer people here.

The plan is to write three types of articles:

  • Match reports
  • Team reports
  • Player reports

Match reports

Based off one match we’ll discuss some of the players and give our opinions on their match. Especially the younger players but might not cover every player. For example, I’ll very rarely talk about goalkeepers and in this article I didn’t see enough from Berisha or Okugawa, or the subs, so didn’t write anything about them. And writing about 34 year old Ulmer isn’t very useful so I left him out well.

Obviously we’re working with the sample size of one game. But that’s how scouting is done, a full report is a collection of match reports. So, rather than watching loads of matches for one article, why not produce as many shorter match reports. Then we know the players we like, have watched them a few times in a team, then we can watch them individually and write a player report. The match reports give a look at their performance and a snapshot of them, we aren’t making any sweeping statements or conclusions about them.

Team Reports

These are when we know players pretty well after watching several times and can look at one team and give overviews of players of interest.

Player Reports

These are what you’ve seen on this page over the last few weeks. Longer analysis of one player that we’ve seen based of more matches and lots of clips with some stats included too.

We will be looking to extending our writing team at some point, especially to people with niches and areas they like to cover. We’ll be approaching people in due time we think would be good for the site, but if you think you would be the you can register you interest by DMing our twitter page so we know who you are.

We believe this system will allow us to cover as many players as possible so you can expand your knowledge and when you want to know about a player, you can come to us and see if we’ve watched them. Even if it is just a snapshot of one performance. The site has a search tool so you can find articles where they’re mentioned if you’re interested in one player. Eventually each player will have their own page with links to all the article they’re mentioned in also.

We have a few other ideas we’ll look to implement in the long term and hope it can be an exciting project.

Any questions or suggestions, DM me on Twitter and make sure you’re following me, Jeroen and the site.

